Communications: The heart of an Operations Control Centre

Enrique Bolivar
11월 18, 2022

Next-generation OCC enables mission-critical communications, improves efficiency and transport operators’ decision-making.

Control room image for blog post

运营控制中心(OCC)是管理运输运营商日常活动的大脑. 正是在这里,奇迹发生了,确保一切顺利进行. However, 有时,当事故发生时,客运服务可能会中断, technical failures in the transport system, on trains, planes or any other mass transit systems; weather conditions; traffic incidents; labor strikes and accidents. 这些中断可能导致不可接受的延迟和资源短缺. The OCC must provide a coordinated response, in a timely manner, 减少运作中断,并从中断中恢复,尽量减少对客运服务的影响.

Some of the main OCC functions include:

Monitoring operations
Anticipating problems
Managing the planned operations schedule 
Minimising service disruption

At the same time, OCC的任务是保持性能和提供高质量的服务, as well as lowering operational costs. In other words, the OCC is responsible for the execution of a daily schedule, as planned, without busting the budget. 

Efficient OCC operation depends on having the right solution, 以及代表不同核心业务单元的利益相关者之间的协调和协作工作.

一个复杂的解决方案生态系统汇聚在OCC中,它们经常面临着交付需要新应用程序的新服务的挑战. 这意味着一切都需要整合,以便有效地控制运营.

组成解决方案的模块必须是开放的,并且能够与其他模块集成. api为实现不同生态系统组件之间的互连提供了关键元素. 通过开放api,运营商可以创建新的服务,集成应用程序并满足新的需求. Additionally, the APIs create opportunities to innovate.

Communication services are the cornerstone of an efficient OCC. 这些重要的服务使OCC各利益攸关方能够进行协作协调. 它们可以提高传入信息的可视性,并减少恢复时间.

通信是OCC确保运营和用户安全的关键任务. A foundation based on reliable/secure communications can:

• Support complementary services such as call taking/dispatch
• Enable coordination and collaboration between stakeholders
• Improve information awareness 

阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司提供广泛的通信产品组合,包括基于 Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX® Enterprise. The portfolio includes an alarm notification server, emergency crisis management, voice recording, a Dispatch Console 处理大量的电话接听/调度并加强协作. Additionally, a Remote Visual Assistance (RVA) 解决方案通过改善现场工作人员与OCC专家人员之间的互动,简化了现场干预,并减少了停机时间. 这些通信服务与OCC功能块(如无线电)集成并相互连接, Public Announcement (PA), 乘客显示信息(PDI)通过标准协议和api. Additionally, the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Open Gateway, a dedicated API server, 增加了集成功能,包括一组RESTful api来托管ALE和客户应用程序,例如:

• Telephony services
• Management capabilities
• Analytics

实时协作对于OCC任务协调和利益相关者之间的信息感知至关重要. 它提高了响应能力,同时最大限度地减少了在不正常操作期间对最终用户的影响. 解决方案与业务流程和通信解决方案的集成是实现高效操作的关键. The Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise CPaaS解决方案与客户环境集成,提供聊天等通信服务, file sharing, voice and video, over any device. At the same time, Rainbow leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots, 系统数据库和分析,自动化和简化操作流程,并创建新的服务.

向协作操作环境的演进是许多occ的下一步. 集成不同的功能块是实现涉众之间交互的主要驱动因素, increase communication, 提高态势感知能力,增强决策过程.

Next-generation OCC

下一代OCC是由技术和数字化转型驱动的. 新组件的集成将为复杂的OCC环境提供附加价值. This new evolution is based on three main pillars consisting of:

1. SIP技术是通信解决方案的核心,支持/提供先进的电话功能,并帮助为顺利迁移到下一代铺平道路.
2. A cloud platform to connect to the OCC. WebRTC服务通过集成移动应用程序和多媒体自助服务界面,在客户和员工之间提供无边界的通信和协作, such as kiosk, and commercial apps using the Rainbow connector.
3. 混合私有/公共云解决方案提供新服务并提高可靠性.


• Enhanced contextual information that qualifies incidents, 提高效率,帮助员工进行决策

Enrique Bolivar

Enrique Bolivar

Solution Marketing, Transportation, Energy and Utilities, ALE

As Solution Manager for Transportation, Energy and Utilities, Enrique is responsible for creating solutions, value propositions and content for these different sectors, supporting the global ALE sales team. 拥有超过15年的电信火狐体育手机经验, specialising in the enterprise market, Enrique was part of the ALE International Central Presales team, 为全球销售和售前团队提供广泛的支持. 他的专长包括端到端解决方案、网络VoIP设计、UCC和UCaaS解决方案.

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